The Star Chamber Hacks:
John Roberts
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
Sammy Alito
Anthony Kennedy
You know. The Supreme Court INjustices.
Used to be, bad politics, partisan politics, politics created by the hurly-burly of the moment would be tempered by the wisdom of men and women whose entire lives were grounded in The Law, not in Politics. You know, check your politics at the door. Now, it's just more political football decided by party lines [SEE: 2000 Elections]. And with five Republican Justices, the score's pretty well set.
5-4, Republicans WIN!
So why not just cut to the chase, from here on out, then, and simply ELECT the Justices. Isn't that what it's become? Just another political process to appoint more politicians, currently by selection-for-life rather than election-for-life because currently it's a selection of the Powers-that-Be(Republicans) to appoint some more Powers-that-Be(Republicans) to watch over the Powers-that-Be(Republicans)? For Life.
Don't you just love the beautiful symmetry(Republicans) of it all?
Here are a few recent 5-4 Rulings decided by The Five Most Powerful Senators-for-Life:
No Knock Law: In a turn-around of 90 years of tradition, Law Enforcement no longer needs to knock and inform of their presence serving a warrant; just ATTACK!
CleanWater Act: The 30-year-old Clean Water act was overturned in a Michigan case so that a Mall and Condos could be built on protected wetlands. And no, I am not making this up.
WhistleBlower Law- Overturned, meaning that government employees who report on government wrong-doing are no longer protected from reprisals.
That's just a few. Notice any trends?
It's funny, because Chief INjustice Roberts recently commented that the Supreme Court was running out of cases.
Is that any surprise? If you were a party wronged, would you really go to the US Supreme Court seeking justice? Because you'd lose, every time.
Hope I never get tried as a Warlock there. 5-4, and it's throw another Dem on the barbie.
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