Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Conservatives Work Harder than Liberals

At least, that's how it appears when comparing the lazy, liberal bastards at Truthout.org and Crooks&Liars with uber-Right-Wing Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I vastly prefer the editorial content at Truth and at Crooks to that offered at Instapundit, there just isn't as much of it. The two former generally begin posting HOURS after Instapundit and knock off hours earlier. Instapundit posts as much as Truth and Crooks combined.

My impression? Being Liberals, the folks at Truthout and Crooks, they probably stayed up late burning bowls and can't roll out of the rack until close to noon. Instapundit, being an uptight conservative, he's up early with his coffee, slamming out Right-wing hyperbole twice as early and twice as long as our Liberal boys.

I understand Crooks&Liars is bankrolled by Greek tycoon George Soros, and supporting the liberal cause, the man ought to get his money's worth. So, I have an offer for Mr. Soros: Fire your boy, John Amato, and hire me. I promise to outblog Instapundit and carry our Liberal banner farther on a daily basis.


Blogger Travis Reitsma said...

Ahem Brotha

1:32 PM  

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