Stop Israeli Terrorism
The Israelis protest when Palestinian suicide bombers blow up a crowded cafe (as well they should) because it targets innocents. But what is so different about Israeli fighter-bombers blowing up a Lebanese apartment building? Or rocketing a van full of people and killing 5 children? The difference is technology. The Arab terrorist-soldier uses his body, the Israeli terrorist-soldier a plane.
The Israeli's complain about rocket attacks against Haifa killing 8. First, the attacks are in response to Israeli assaults on a sovereign nation. Secondly, 8 Israeli civilians were killed but over 100 Lebanese civilians have died in the first three days of the war. Are the latter's lives so worthless?
Neither terrorist should be supported. Both must be condemned.
Neither terrorist should be supported. Both must be condemned.
It is time for America to stop blindly supporting Israel. Enough talk of punishing Hezbollah and Hamas. Let's start talking about punishing the Israeli terror-state for its complete disregard for human life other than its own.
I can't believe that anybody does anything to stop this barbarity... As always, if there is no oil nobody does anything...
Thanks... I'm sorry because my english is not as good as I would like it... mmmm I always write about the same: belly dance, world-wide policy, feelings...
Ah!! I like your ''Official George W. Bush "Days Left In Office"
Stop Hezbollah terrorism first and then we will talk about so-called Israeli terrorism.
Yes, Israel is in a difficult position with everyone of their neighboring country bent on their destruction, swift retaliation has historically kept terrorist actions against them to a minimum. Previously they had to maintain some measure in their response, but with the current administrations lack of diplomacy skills why would they need to exercise any better judgment? Unfortunately they are following the leader,. It is too bad we have such poor leadership at such a critical time in history.
umunhum... "so-called israeli terrorism???" Please, don't make me laugh!!!
Or both (Palestinians and Israelis) are terrorist or simply it is a war ... and it's an unequal war because they don't have the same possibilities of defending themselves...
Olmert said "we will conduct a tireless battle until terror ceases, Gilad Shalit is returned home safely and the shooting of Qassam missiles stops."
A complete cease fire;
- Deployment of the Lebanese army in all of southern Lebanon;
- Expulsion of Hizbullah from the area, and
- Fulfillment of United Nations Resolution 1559
and i think...where is the terrorism?
I'm sorry but I don't speak enough English to be able to write my blog in this language...
But I just talk about my work, my "fabulous" companions of work (one of them is a bitch with me... and I'm fed up with her; I call her "hyena")... and about my future holidays: I'm going to go to Egypt to improve my arabic and I'm very nervous...
Mmmm... Have I got many mistakes??? I'm sorry...
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