Wednesday, March 01, 2006

King George: Resolutely Despotical

A fragmented quote from the Associated Press:

Bush shrugged off the poll numbers in an interview with ABC News yesterday. "If I worried about polls, I would be -- I wouldn't be doing my job," he said before leaving Washington for a trip to India and Pakistan. "And, look, I fully understand that when you do hard things, it creates consternation at times. And, you know, I've been up in the polls and I've been down in the polls. You know, it's just part of life in the modern era."
Uh, sir? You are NOT a king. You are an elected (in your case, sort of elected, given the fraudulent Ohio and Florida results) an elected official tasked by The People to do The People's Work. That said, sir, it would seem prudent you worry about the polls given they measure the Will of The People. OUR will, sir, not yours. You know, George, it seems we must remind you for who it is you work. Us. The People. The AMERICAN PEOPLE. You are but the rudder on the ship of state and WE THE PEOPLE are that ship's captain and you'd be wise to turn this steer this great ship of state whither we tell you.

George? Let me put it plainly so you might understand:

Sit down, shut up and listen to what we tell you.


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