Saturday, April 08, 2006


By C. William Boyer

Okay, let's for a moment pretend that the outing of Valerie Plame was not a crime. We can pretend any number of things to gain the intended outcome. We can claim Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA covert operative was known (though, if you believe here CIA colleagues, this was not the case); we can pretend there was no intention to reveal her identity, it just sort of happened (like pregnancy just happens); we can claim the President's inherent power as Commander-in-Chief under Article II of the Constitution to do whatever to whomever whenever he damn well pleases (it's good to be the King); under this political theory, the President was able to declassify Valerie Plame's covert identity and then leak it to the NY Times Judy Miller via Scooter Libby legally. Because he's the Prez, right? Hence, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has always and evermore been conducting a kabuki wild goose chase for a crime that doesn't exist.

So Mr. Bush, if all along you knew who the leaker was and that the leaking was not a crime, why in the fuck did you let the investigation continue? As of an Associated Press report dated October 15th of last year, the very frugal Mr. Fitzgerald had incurred a cost of 723 thousand dollars to indict Scooter Libby (Ken Starr's investigation of the Clinton's netted zero indictments and cost nearly 4 million). Why, Mr. Bush, if you knew what was what, why did you allow this charade to continue? It's costed close to a million dollars, a million dollars of taxpayer money that could have been spent rebuilding New Orleans or buying computers for poor kids in the ghetto or, shit, even for more bullets to kill more Iraqis with. So I have a modest suggestion, Mr. Bush:

Cut a check. From your account, with your money, write a check to the General Fund of the US Treasury and repay the taxpayers the money you pissed away. No, not ALL the money you pissed away in Iraq and giving the rich egregious tax breaks, just the money pissed away on a kabuki wild goose chase to find out what you already knew for a crime that never was.


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